Jesus - King of the Jews
by Karen Jane Jones
Jesus - King of the Jews
Karen Jane Jones
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Jesus of Nazareth - King of the Jews
INRI - Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm. This was the title given to Jesus Christ when he was crucified, and is believed to have been written on a plaque above his head. (In ancient Latin the I is substituted for J, and V substituted for U).
This acrylic on canvas image shows the crucifixion of Jesus at the hands of mankind. The cross is painted in white to show His purity, with ragged ends to the non-horizontal cross-bar, to represent the less than perfect actions of mankind. Jesus is shown with his head held high in defiance. He fulfilled prophesy of the Old Testament by dying for our sins on the cross and returning from the dead, resurrected, 3 days later.
The large nail pierced hands outstretched to Jesus on the cress, might appear controversial to some people, in that these show the hands of God / Jesus, part of the Trinity of God.
The background is Creation of the Universe by God..
(c) copyright: Karen J Jones
This forms part of my Christian (prophetic) Art collection.
The original canvas painting is available for sale in the UK - please enquire.
November 24th, 2014
Comments (8)
Frank J Casella
Karen -- CONGRATULATIONS!! Your beautiful artwork has been Featured by the - CATHOLIC ART GALLERY - Fine Art Group on (FineArtAmerica)! Thank you for sharing it !!